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Claude & Lucky

Chansons françaises 30s - 60s


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Formation et membres


  • Duo


Claude Bouillin - Guitare acoustique, Chant lead
Lucky Athanase - Claviers, Chant lead


560 - 820


Would you like to have a duo of French-speaking musicians in your home or in your office? We'll sing for you one hour of French chansons from the 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s. We'll perform the greatest composers and singers of all time: Jacques Brel, Charles Aznavour, Edith Piaf, Yves Montand, Joe Dassin, Georges Brassens, etc... unforgettable songs performed as a duo by Claude & Lucky, on piano and guitar. Songs in French. And sometimes in Finnish too. We introduce each one of our songs in French, Finnish, English and Russian if you wish.



Who are Claude & Lucky? Who are we? We have each developed separate careers in France and Finland, in American and French jazz, and in composition, as well as in traditional Celtic, Finnish and Russian music.


Claude et Lucky sont les deux seuls chanteurs. Claude and Lucky are the only two singers. Claude à la guitare, Lucky au piano. Guitariste et claviste. Claude on guitar, Lucky on piano. Guitarist and keyboardist.


We'll sing for you one hour of French chansons from the 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s. We'll perform the greatest composers and singers of all time: Jacques Brel, Charles Aznavour, Edith Piaf, Yves Montand, Joe Dassin, Georges Brassens, etc... Bien sûr, il est possible de communiquer notre répertoire à l'avance, il est ainsi possible de choisir. Of course, it is possible to communicate our repertoire in advance, so you can choose. Oui, des chansons spécifiques ? Et pourquoi pas ? Donnez-nous le temps pour apprendre et arranger votre chanson. Yes, you have specific songs? why not? Give us time to learn and arrange your song.

Logistique et équipement

Nous avons besoin de peu d'espace, un peu plus pour Lucky le pianiste. We don't need much space, just a little more for Lucky, the pianist.

Montage et déplacements

Environ une heure pour l'installation et les réglages, dépendant des facilités d'accès. Approximately one hour to set up and sound checks, depending on access.

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